Die richtige Pflege von Schmuck mit echten Blüten

How to properly care for jewelry with real flowers

In general, pieces of jewelry that you have purchased from me in my shop require very little “active” care. Stainless steel does not tarnish and if a trailer does get dirty, a damp cloth can easily help.
This post is only about flower jewelry; there will be an extra post about the general care of resin jewelry in the next few weeks.

What you should consider when caring for your real flower jewelry 🌻

Plant decorations are easy to care for. You don't have to water or fertilize it and it doesn't need fresh soil either ;)
However, there is one thing that you should pay particular attention to, especially when it comes to jewelry with real flowers, leaves or grass.

As much as we probably all like it, it makes life difficult for dried plants and many color pigments - the sun.
Even though I always add extra UV protection to my jewelry, the UV rays of sunlight cause dried flowers to fade over time. This doesn't always have to look bad; it gives many pieces of jewelry a certain rustic charm.
However, if you want to preserve the colors of your real flower pendants for as long as possible, it is better not to store them in a sunny place.
A good storage place is a jewelry box, a small box, or other places that are protected from sunlight.

Of course, there are exceptions here - not all plants are sensitive to sunlight. For example, necklaces or earrings with white flowers or dandelions are much less sensitive to UV rays because they have little color to begin with that can fade.

So find a cozy shady place for your floral decoration when you're not wearing it, it will thank you with bright colors :)
If you have any questions, please write me a comment or a message.

Best wishes,