Es summt und brummt - handgefertigter Bienen Schmuck von Lules Piek

It hums and buzzes - handmade bee jewelry by Lules Piek

Behind the scenes of the Queen Bee collection

A few things are changing in the Lules Piek studio, as I am becoming more and more interested in working with precious and base metals, textures and gemstones. This is already reflected in the new collection.

I have wanted to design jewelry inspired by bees for a long time. I carried the "bee plan" around with me for at least three years before I was able to implement it the way I had imagined. A few weeks ago the time had come: my bee jewelry collection "Queen Bee" saw the light of day and I can finally share the long-planned bee jewelry, necklaces, earrings and studs with you! 🐝

Small silver earrings with red gemstone orange

The inspiration behind the bee jewelry

The fascinating world of our little bees and their way of life was the source of inspiration for the Queen Bee bee collection. Bees are remarkable creatures that never cease to amaze us with their tireless work. As an insect collective, they work together to construct complex and precise honeycombs that serve as homes and storage for their precious (and delicious!) honey.

When I was a child, most of them waved their wings wildly when a few bees visited us, but I tried to get them to land on my hand. I really wanted to see bees and bumblebees up close. So tiny, with their thin legs, big black-brown eyes, small incisor teeth, fascinating tiger pattern, furry back and fragile tissue paper wings. So tiny, so small and yet so strong. They fly for miles to collect pollen to fill their architectural masterpiece and to care for their offspring.

Close-up of a bee sitting on a flower in a sunny meadow

The honeycombs contain perfect hexagons that are meticulously created by the bees from beeswax. These unique structures are one of the things that inspired me to think about a bee collection in the first place. The attention to detail and the care with which the bees build their honeycombs should be reflected in the craftsmanship of my collection.

I would also like to draw attention to the importance of bees for our environment and the ecosystem. As pollinators of plants, they are irreplaceable for the reproduction of numerous beautiful flowering plants and thus contribute to the preservation of biodiversity. With my bee jewelry, I not only want to celebrate the beauty and gentleness of bees and their honeycombs, but also raise awareness of their important role in the natural cycle. 🐝🌺🌻

Bee earrings and necklaces - the pretty designs

So, if it wasn't obvious enough by now - I wanted to have mostly bees in my jewelry! LOTS OF BEES! 🐝
I wanted to focus less on flowers, plants and blossoms and more on the bees themselves and their wonderful structures. Honey tones were intended to add a touch of colour to the jewellery.

Bee jewelry - bee earrings, bee necklaces, bee studs, stud earrings with red carnelian and yellow chalcedony

Since I wanted to work more with metal for my bee jewelry, I limited myself to sterling silver and fine silver for the silver jewelry, and to warm bronze and brass for the golden tones. For the honey colors, I chose beautiful gemstones in yellow and orange-red, which is where carnelian (the yellow, orange or red version of chalcedony) and yellow aventurine came into play. Since I couldn't be completely unfaithful to my roots and really wanted to depict a honeycomb filled with honey, I also pulled out the modeling clay and synthetic resin for the filled honeycomb necklace 🤭

Things got exciting with the honeycombs, because I had to design a special shape to be able to depict the symmetrical shape well on a smaller scale. The entire bee jewelry collection was created entirely by hand at my workbench and captures the elegance, charm and gentleness of our little bees.

On what occasions can I wear the bee jewelry?

I don't want to brag, but... to everyone! 😏 The collection is designed so that you can find simple, neutral and eye-catching bee jewelry pieces. Do you prefer something subtle? Choose the small honeycomb stud earrings made of silver or the honeycomb stud earrings with bee made of brass.

Bees and honeycomb earrings in real silver and gold brass

Are you looking for something that goes with everything, not too little, but also not too conspicuous? I can highly recommend the honey drop earrings or the honey drop stud earrings! Classic, with a touch of color! The small bee earrings with a matching chain also go with everything! I really mean everything - I'm fascinated by everything I've worn this combination with! And the honeycomb necklace or the guard bee necklace in bronze with a small real silver bee are unobtrusive, but make you BEEready for the day! 🐝🤭

Jewelry with a bee and honeycomb theme. Bee necklaces, bee earrings and bee studs. Some pieces of jewelry are mixed metal gold and silver, others are decorated with an orange-red carnelian.

Young woman in terracotta dress holds her hair back so that the eye can see her honeycomb earrings with red carnelian.

Let's move on to my category, because when I leave the house, please don't let anyone walk past me without noticing my earrings! Well, almost, because I have enough quiet days too, but eye-catching jewelry definitely brings me joy and I just feel great in it! In this case, please go here to the long tassel earrings with chain fringes and a bright yellow carnelian that would make the sun pale with envy! The same could also be said about the sunbeam earrings with yellow aventurine, which I also like to call the sun goddess earrings because that's exactly what they radiate for me. With their mustard yellow aventurine, they radiate a sunny warmth and elegance and with every movement the fringes made of solid real silver clink together - a truly divine feeling with a matching sound!

Bee jewelry on a white background. Silver jewelry with yellow carnelian, yellow aventurine and synthetic resin.

A young woman in a terracotta dress smiles and shows off her earrings from the bee collection. The earrings are long, have silver metal fringes and attract everyone's attention with a yellow aventurine.

So far, my little bee jewelry collection has been very much loved by its wearers and I can hardly wait to send more of the jewelry out into the world! I would love to decorate you too, here you can browse through the bee collection at your leisure , full of bee earrings, bee studs and bee necklaces made of silver and bronze!

If you've made it this far, you're probably as enthusiastic about bees as I am ;) Thank you for listening to my little rave and being interested in my bee collection!

Until the next crush!

Best regards,